Tuesday 14 June 2011

Ambition leads me to success

     Evey teens in Canada play sports, whether they like it or they try to stay fit. Sports is a important chip in our life, it gives us the joy of winning. Football, hockey, basketball, volleyball and baseball, these are the most popular sports in North America. But none of these sports are my favourite, strange isn't it? Well my favourite sport is pool, not swimming in the actual pool, but pool as pocket billiards, a cue sport that plays on the pool table.
       Basketball was the first sport that i liked when i was young, but i hated to play it outside under the sunshine and sweating like a pig, so i decided to play indoor sports which is pool. I first started to play pool in the summer of 2007 when i was still back in China. It is a considerably a popular sport back then in China. The intensity and fun of the game really attracts me. I was quickly addicted to this sport while i was trying to be an expert in the game. My parents were strongly against me playing pool. They thought the sport belongs to elder people not a teenager, but my ambition to become an expert and the desire of playing the game lead me continue to play the sport. I was self-taught the whole time and only practiced with my friends during the weekends.
       My desire was soon cooled down after i moved to Canada in 2008. As I arrived in this land, I soon discovered that pool is rarely seen in Canada. My passion and love of the sport was no longer there. But my ambition kept my head up and kept on telling me that i have talent in this sport. I soon started watching tutorial videos on the internet to help me to advance to another skill level. Every time i try to give up on myself and the sport, my ambition becomes my motivation and provides me courage to not give up.
      Finally a chance came to me in 2010.  My parents' friend invited me to join a mini-tournament in Toronto. Although it's a small tournament, but it has a winning prize of $300. My parents joked about i would be a spectator in the tournament, but i trust in myself and my ambition forced me to play in the first tournament in my career. During the tournament, i was facing elder people, but that didn't lower down my confidence. Eventually I won the competition and suprised everyone including my parents.
      My ambition kept my head up and prodvided me courage. It erase all the frustrations that I had. Clearly, my ambition lead me into the right direction, and helped me to reach success.


1 comment:

  1. This post talks about how ambition leads into success and helps me to become the champion in a pool tounament
