Wednesday 15 June 2011

The sign of strong ambition

    Ambition could change your personality in your daily life. People with strong ambition usually has a defined goal and has strong determination to it. They tend to talk and act more aggressively than other people. People with lacker ambition usually don't have any plans for future. They are clueless of what they want and what they are looking for. They also tends to care less things, it seems that everything to them is "whatever".
    Ambition displeases when it has been sated and  when it  reached the peak, it aspires to descend. Ambition is an uncomfortable companion many times. He is restless and never satisfied but always pressing forward to better things in the future. Too much ambition will easily control you and turn things into disasters.
    I am a person that has a strong ambition. When i am doing work, i will not get distracted untill the work is done. No matter how hard the work is, i would never give it up. My ambition provides me the willingness to do the things that i want and always leads me to pursue forward. Sometimes my ambition hurts me, but most of the times my ambition has been providing me motivations and determinations. I am optimisitc about my future, my ambition has lead me into the right direction and helped me to reach success.

1 comment:

  1. This post talks about how to determine strong or weak ambition. Also this post talks about that i have strong ambition and how ambition leads into success.
