Wednesday 15 June 2011

Haunted by my ambition!

     Spring time, it's almost the end of the school year. Lots of school clubs are doing all sorts of fund raising to collect money for next year. One of the fund raise event that caught my sight is the three point shoot out. Basketball is one of my favourite sport, so i decide to participate in the shoot out without any hesitation. The students council promised there will be a winning prize of $25 and  I was very confident that i would win the prize.
     I was the first one there at the shoot out, so i got some time to practice a bit. When the shoot out began, i was the first participant and every try out cost $2. I got a bit tired after shooting for 40 seconds, and i ended up with a score of 9 shots made. I thought it was a fairly well result untill one person scored 16. I became frustrated and thinking that i would not be able to win the prize anymore. My ambition pushed me to try again, but still couldn't beat 16. My ambition couldn't resist the temptation of the prize and pushed me to keep on trying until i become the highest scorer. Failure after failure, i became even more frustrated because the money i wasted time after time. But my ambition was still telling to try one more time and to believe in myself. My body and action was almost controlling by my ambition.
     I finally stopped myself and my ambition after wasting $8 on three point shooting. I was haunted by my ambition and was not able to control my action. I would spend more dollars if i didn't stop myself. My ambition was not able to resist the temptation of the prize. Luckily this time i was able to stop my ambition before it hurts me even more.....

1 comment:

  1. This posts talks about one of my personal story. It is about how i stop my ambition in time before it fully controls me and hurt me.
